Dear ICN member and family, Assalamualikkum,
On behalf of ICN, we would like to express our appreciation for your ongoing donations to the masjid.
Your financial support for this year's ICN operations budget is key to continuing its mission as a hub for Islamic Knowledge and Spirituality and a bridge-builder to increase understanding of Islam and Muslims in Middle Tennessee.
Our yearly Operations fundraising goal is $149,336.
Alhamdulilah, we have raised 95% of our goal and only need $7475.
Please join us in making a Tax-deductible donation or a pledge today using the links below and continue to make an impact by investing in your masjid
Bismillah, Let's continue to make an impact this Ramadan!
Budget your giving by setting up a recurring (auto-withdrawal) donation via Bank Draft, Credit/Debit Card or PayPal
Checkout the ICN Sustainer Page for details and on how to set up!
Make a one-time donation online now by Bank Draft, Credit/Debit Card or PayPal
Make a Pledge now and then donate later by Personal/Bill Pay Check, online, or cash.
Your Donations Make an Impact
Highlights of how your donations were put into action in the past year
Thanks to our generous donors and volunteers, ICN was able to focus on its core mission and accomplish many achievements in the past year through:
Being an epicenter of Islamic Knowledge and Spirituality
200+ classes & webinars by Sheikh Ossama Bahloul PhD through educational programs including multi-week programs like 'Prophet Ibrahim(AS) Life and Legacy', 'Journey from the Grave', Clarifying Misconception Related to Some Hadith and 'The Expressions of The Quran' etc.
Hosted 10+ subject matter expert speakers, such as Dr. Raymond Brock-Murray, Dua Haggag, Sheikh Yusuf Estes, Dr. Zaid Barzinji, Dr. Fayaz Malik, Amr El-Husseini, Ahmed Elbenni, Wafa Hindiyeh and others to present on relevant topics for the community
Established Muslim Young Professionals Programming, with 20+ events organized reaching more than 150 Muslim Young Professionals in middle Tennessee
Launched Guided Hearts: a program for supporting new Muslims
Continued to work with college students, initiated a welcome back dinner at the masjid for each of the local MSAs
Building Bridges and Increase Understanding of Islam and Muslims
15+ presentations on Islam through the outreach program
400+ visitors to our center to learn about Islam
300+ Qurans and Islamic Materials furnished to visitors, and local institutions
Providing cultural training and educational materials to equip our educators, health care workers and law enforcement teams with what they need to serve the Muslim community
Helping Those in Need
Assisted 40+ individuals and families through the Zakat Fund
Helped serve food and provide transportation for the homeless through Room in the Inn partnership
Hosted and facilitated donations drives for Afghan refugees
Helped build a home through the Habitat for Humanity Program
Improving Facilities
Completed the renovation of the historical ICN 12 South Masjid within a 6 month time-frame
Hired qualified professional staff to standardize and implement various programs and operations at ICN 12 South
And Much More!
By the mercy of Allah SWT, it has been a special year, and insha'Allah with your support next year will be even better!
"The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain that sprouts seven spikes. In every spike there are 100 grains, and Allah multiplies for whom He will. Allah's will is embracing, all-knowing." (Qur'an 2:261)
May Allah reward you and your family for supporting the ICN!
Jazakum Allah Khairun
Ghani Hashimi (President)
for Islamic Center of Nashville Team